Monday, October 3, 2016

Safe Passing

One difference with our League is we intend to enforce "Safe Passing" rules that are a bit different than regular "open" iRacing.

1)  Drivers are responsible to monitor the position of any cars that are gaining on them by watching F3.  A car that is gaining is likely to attempt a pass.
2)  The Overtaken Driver is to ALWAYS maintain their "normal and predictable" racing line--especially when it is likely that a Overtaking Driver is likely to attempt a pass. (With only one "last lap exception"--see below.)
3)  The Overtaking Driver is Primarily responsible for a Safe Pass, but both cars have the responsibility to avoid contact.
4)  All drivers have the "right" to "Racing Room". Racing Room is defined as the 1/2 car width to the sides and one full car width in front and back.
5)  Similar to Vintage Racing Rules--the Overtaking Driver must be fully beside or ahead at the "normal and predictable" turn in point for the Overtaken Driver in order for the Overtaking Driver to claim "corner rights". In other words the Overtaken Driver must essentially be able to see the Overtaking Driver BEFORE the "normal and predictable" turn in point. If the Overtaking Driver is NOT fully beside or ahead, then the Overtaking Driver DOES NOT have "corner rights" and must back off, giving the Overtaken Driver the racing line. Attempting a pass without "corner rights" is "Dive Bombing" and is strictly prohibited.
5)a So called "corner rights" as defined above DO NOT prohibit "side by side thru the turn" racing as such rights assume that one car is moving at a higher speed. So, "corner rights" for the inside car requires BOTH position equality and speed superiority. For the outside car on the "normal" racing line, it only requires position superiority at the turn in point. If both cars arrive at the turn in point, side by side, with more or less the same speed, then they are expected to race side by side, respecting each other's "racing room" as defined in 4) above.  This means the car on the inside must allow enough room for the outside car on exit. It also means the outside car must not "cut off" the inside car by turning down to the apex and "pinching" the inside car at the corner apex.  Keep in mind that a chicane is essentially two corners where the outside car becomes the inside car for the "second" corner.  Therefore the outside car in the first corner of the chicane could be guilty of dive bombing into the second part of the chicane. Attempting a pass without "corner rights" is "Dive Bombing" and is strictly prohibited.
6) Racing below the white line---the "legal" racing surface is always defined by iRacing's offtrack incident indicator or cutting the corner penalty. Absent the offtrack indicator or cutting penalty, racing below the white line is therefore "legal". BUT, racing below the white line (with all four wheels) shall be considered "leaving the track" and  being the "Overtaking Driver" and "attempting to pass on the inside" as defined in 5) above. THE DRIVER WHO RACES INSIDE THE WHITE LINE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO RE-ENTER THE TRACK SAFELY. THE RE-ENTERING DRIVER HAS NO CORNER RIGHTS AND THEREFORE SHALL BE PENALIZED IF RE-ENTRY IS DEEMED TO INTERFERE WITH THE "NORMAL AND PREDICTABLE RACING LINE" OF OTHERS WHO HAVE NOT LEFT THE TRACK. 

See this explanation in the link:

click on link below:
Safe Passing

If you are truly faster than the other guy, in general you should be able to accelerate out of the corner with more speed and pull fully aside before the braking zone or turn in point at the next corner. If you are not truly faster than the other guy, then do not pass.


There will be tracks where the "draft" will allow the Overtaking Driver a bit of advantage and will enable them to pull "fully aside" before the braking zone, even when the Overtaking Driver is not faster.  In this case, with one exception, the Overtaken Driver shall lift slightly to allow the Overtaking Driver to complete a safe pass.  This will create some "leapfrogging" during the race as the Overtaken Driver may be able to use the draft to retake the position later.  The exception is during the last lap of the race when the Overtaken Driver is allowed to take a defensive position by strategically positioning his car on the inside to insure he maintains "corner rights" as outlined above in 5).  In this case, it is possible that the Overtaking Driver, forced to overtake on the outside in this case, may be able to pull ahead before the "normal and predictable" turn in point, at which point he will have justifiably gained "corner rights" as defined above in 5).

If two cars,  close together  (the Overtaking Driver and the Third in Line) are able to use the draft, with the first one (Overtaking Driver) pulling "fully aside" the Overtaken Driver, the "Third in Line" SHALL NOT take advantage when the Overtaken Driver lifts to allow the first car to pass.  The "Third in Line" in this case shall fall behind the Overtaken Driver, maintaining his position as "third in line". The purpose of this is to minimize controversy and car contact since it is often difficult for the Overtaken Driver to know the on track position of the "Third in Line". THREE WIDE RACING THRU CORNERS IS NOT PROHIBITED BUT IS STRONGLY DISCOURAGED in our League. 

These rules will be strictly enforced by the Chief or Racing Steward. They are designed to allow competitive racing with the minimum probability of car contact.